Sunday, July 4, 2010


As the Continental Congress met in Philadelphia on July 2nd, they understood the tremendous burden that lay before them. After much debate and impassioned speech the previous day, most notably by John Adams, they called for a vote, a vote for independence. Throughout their time in Philadelphia many of the delegates worked behind the scenes to move the congress towards dissolving their ties with England and a government that they felt had abused them from afar. After a few dramatic moments (one of the most memorable being the dramatic arrival of Cesar Rodney from Delaware) the vote was counted and the resolution for independence passed.
And now almost 235 years later we stand at a crossroads of ideas that may very well decide the future of our American experiment. It seems that at almost every turn, the federal government has sought to expand it's powers and jurisdiction far beyond it's original intent. It has reached it's hands further and further into our pocket books and our private lives. If those men that gathered in Independence Hall all those years ago could see our government today, they may scarcely recognize it as the protector and promoter of liberty that they had intended it to be all those years ago.
In December of 1776 Thomas Paine wrote:

"These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country"

As our government grows beyond it's means and seeks to take more and more of our lives, liberty and happiness we must stand together, and, as was penned in the Declaration of Independence, provide new guards for our future security. It is not only our right, but our duty to do so. And so here we are, we have endured a long train of abuses and usurpations the aim of which has been to make each of us beholden to the federal government. Now is not the time for the Summer Soldier or the Sunshine Patriot. The Centrists and compromisers have taken our liberty, not by some overnight massive power grab, no, they have taken our liberties, one day at a time, and if they are not stopped, they will continue to do so.
One day at a time..., some of us may not even realize what is going on. A change here, a tax there. It's okay to do "this", but don't do "that". Every day we come closer and closer to losing our individual liberty altogether, and unless we can turn back the tide, there will come a day where we will all standing around, scratching our heads and we will wonder aloud "how did this happen?"
And when that day comes we will look back and it will be evident, we all let this happen. We allowed ourselves to be blinded by false words and empty promises. This is the downfall of our republic.

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